What is the What
Sunday, March 7th
Page 178, Par 1
“It continually amazed Phil, I think, how little we knew, and how he could not assume that we knew any of the things he took for granted. He explained the thermostat in the apartment, and how to write a check, and how to pay a bill, and which buses took you where.”
Significance: This quote was from when Achak was talking about how Phil, his sponsor, helped him adjust to his life in America. I think that it is amazing how much we take for granted in America, compared to everywhere else in the world. Achak knew very little of the many things that we use and do every day. It shows that Achak’s life before he came to America, although luxurious compared to others in Sudan, was still underprivileged contrasted to life in the US.
Character Judgment: I think that this quote also shows how generous Phil is and how close he is to Achak. Most sponsors don’t help as much as Phil does. Phil doesn’t only help Achak economically, but mentally as well. This quote shows that Phil helps Achak adjust to his life in America.
Question: What are some examples of how you take things for granted?
Page 208, Par 4
“It was us. It was nothing.”
Significance: The night before the group of Lost Boys saw lights in the distance. Thinking that it was tanks from the government the boys ran away. There were many consequences to this rash decision making. As may as a dozen boys were lost. Even Achak suffered from this; his leg got cut by barbed wire. When he gets back to the rest of the boys William K tells him that it was only a Land Rover. In the night, the boys panicked and let their imaginations get the best of them. I think this also shows how hard the journey to Ethiopia was for them, expecting armies and tanks at every turn.
Personal Experience: I can understand how the boys thought that the lights were a tank. At night they were all expecting something bad to happen so when they saw the lights they thought the worst and so the illusion of a tank came to mind. I know that I too would probably panic like they did.
Question: If the boys did not panic and run away, what do you think would have happened?
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